Best Fly Fishing
Fly fishing is no other type of fishing. It is peaceful, and some consider it a beautiful art. Many people never try flyfishing because they believe that it is complicated. Its not. You will need a fly fishing rod, fishing line, flies, a fishing vest, waders (thigh or chest), wading boots and a basket in which to place your catch. The important thing to remember is that in flyfishing, you actually wade into the water, so you need to have all of your gear on you. When you are ready to cast your line, the top of your rod should be in the four oclock position, and you will need approximately twenty feet of line that runs past the tip of the rod. You hole the line between your index finger and the handle of the rod, and then you bend your elbow, raising your forearm, moving the rod from the starting position to the eleven oclock position, lifting the line from the water. At that point, you pause, and let the line stretch behind you, and then cst forward. Again, allow the line to fu...